Bathroom Safety Tips for Your Home

 Next to the kitchen, the bathroom is another room in your home where many accidents can happen. Young children and senior citizens are the ones that are most prone to bathroom dangers. By observing these bathroom safety tips, you can protect yourself and your family against bathroom accidents.


Safety tip #1: Use non slip mats or strips


Slips and falls are the most common accidents that happen in the bathroom. Prevent slips and falls by putting slip resistant mats or strips on the bathroom floor in areas that can get wet such as in and around the bathtub and in and around the shower.


Safety tip #2: Install grab bars


To further prevent slips and falls, install grab bars in strategic areas within your bathroom such as in and around the bath tub, the shower, and the toilet. Most grab bars are made of stainless steel, which can become slippery, too, so you might want to put rubber grip pads on your grab bars.


Safety tip #3: Mop away puddles


Mop up any puddle that forms after a bath or after using the sink. This helps prevent slips and falls from wet floors.


Safety tip #4: Supervise young children


When young children use the bathroom, they should be under adult supervision. This can help them keep safe, especially when they need to reach for knobs or objects that may be out of reach. It is also common for families to have step stools in the bathroom when there are young children in the house. Put non-skid strips at the bottom of the stools to prevent them from sliding on slippery bathroom floors.


Safety tip #5: Install GFCI for electrical outlets in your bathroom


GFCI stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter. This is a device that helps prevent electrocution by shutting down the source of power to the outlet when water comes into contact with it.


Safety tip #6: Unplug electrical devices after use


After using your blow dyer or electric shaver, or any electronic device inside the bathroom, unplug them and then put them back in their proper places.


Safety tip #7: Set your water heater to the right temperature


To prevent burns from scalding hot water, always set the temperature of your water heater to a moderately warm temperature. If your water heater does not have a thermostat, teach and train everybody at home to open the cold water tap first before the warm water tap.


Safety tip #8: Keep medicine, make up and cleaning products out of reach of children


When storing these things in your bathroom, make sure you store them in a place that young children cannot access. If you are storing them on a low cabinet, be sure to put a lock on it.


Safety tip #9: Install night lights in your bathroom and along hallways leading to your bathroom


Accidents can happen when you can't see where you are going. Installing night lights along the hallway leading up to your bathroom and inside your bathroom will promote safety in the bathroom.


Safety tip #10: Clear your bathroom surfaces of things you don't need


For things that you regularly use in the bathroom, provide a dish or a basket to hold them. As much as possible, make sure your sink, the back of the toilet, and the rim of your bathtub are clear of any clutter. If you have kids who bring toys to the bathroom, limit the toys to just 2 or 3 soft rubber toys and always put them away after their bath.


Educate your family about dangers in the bathroom. Make sure everyone in your household is vigilant against the possible dangers in the bathroom. It is specially helpful to point out danger hotspots to young children. Understanding why we all need to observe bathroom safety tips can ensure the cooperation of the entire household in keeping our bathrooms accident-free.

Did you know that using an electric towel warmer [] in your bathroom can also improve safety? When you are not rushing to finish your bath, you are more careful in your actions. Learn about chrome radiators [] and how to install these electric towel rails in your bathroom by clicking on the blue links here.

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